Institutional OrganizersCentre of Geopolitics of Energy and Raw Materials (CGEMP) The Centre of Geopolitics of Energy and Raw Materials (CGEMP) is a research team from the University Paris-Dauphine attached to the Laboratory of Economics Dauphine (LEDa). Founded in 1982 at the University of Paris – Dauphine, on Andre Giraud’s initiative, former Minister of Industry, the CGEMP has for vocation to favour the dialogue and the debates between the university and the enterprises operating in the sectors of energy and raw materials. The CGEMP has progressively expanded its expertise from fossil fuels to renewable energy, with a growing awareness of questions related to climate change. The CGEMP is also a privileged place for reflection and exchanges on the transformation of energy systems. The CGEMP animates, within Paris-Dauphine, Master Energy, Finance, Carbon and is closely associated with the Chair of Economics of Climate
IPAG Center for Energy Economics (ICEE) at IPAG Business School IPAG is a business school established in 1965 as a private organization under the association law of 1901. The diploma of the school is recognised up to bac+ 5 and Master Grade by the Ministry of Higher Education and Research, which involves: regular quality checks carried out by State agencies, the independence and moderation from juries, widely regarded degree at level M2 throughout Europe. The ICEE is part of IPAG Research Department which focuses on the development of theoretical and empirical methods to support business and policy decision making. The research activities are structured around the following four areas: